April 27, 2011

Papers2 and Evernote integration: my "pro tip"

Mekentosj's Papers2 has recently published the following "Pro tip"

I am currently using Evernote as my memory appendix to harbour whatever I digitally read. 

I find that what the video is demonstrating is a long unnecessary workaround. 

To go from Evernote to Papers2 you can easily option click and select "open with...".

I believe a real integration would be a Papers2 button like "send to Evernote" among these:

Speaking of Papers2: the "Livfe" feature hasn't been launched yet. It's two months I am waiting for what seemed to be the most exciting new feature of the new mekentosj product.

Pro tip 2: to annotate pdfs I open them from Evernote to Skim (for mac).